Board of Advanced Studies Committee

The Functions Shall Be

  1. To advise the Authorities on all matters connected with the promotion of Advanced Studies and Research in the University
  2. To consider and report to the Authorities on the institution of research degrees in the University.
  3. To propose Regulations regarding the award of research degrees.
  4. To appoint supervisors for research studies and to determine the subjects of their theses.
  5. To recommend panels of names of paper setters and examiners for research examinations after considering the proposal of the Board of Studies in this behalf; and
  6. To perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Statutes.
  7. To oversee planning and policy development relating to doctoral study, in conjunction with Senate and other University Committees as appropriate.


  1. To approve the academic strategy for the Doctoral College, supporting it in driving forward agreed strategies for doctoral study and for overseeing and reviewing its performance.
  2. To work with the faculties and the affiliated colleges to grow and innovate the University's doctoral provision. Developing strategies and ensuring the coherence of University, Faculty, and Departmental plans to:
  3. identify and exploit emerging opportunities.
  4. increased and sustainable numbers of doctoral students
  5. deploy doctoral resources to maximize effect including developing and reviewing the effectiveness of the University's doctoral scholarships strategy.
  6. To monitor the requirements and expectations of key national and international agencies, research councils and other sponsors and to coordinate the University's responses to these, seeking to influence the development of external policy and strategy in respect of doctoral study and to ensure the University is appropriately positioned.
  7. To ensure the development of a clear identity and profile for doctoral students within the University.
  8. To have overall responsibility for the quality of the doctoral student experience and the doctoral research environment at an institutional level, ensuring that performance is commensurate with the University's ambitions to become an international leader in graduate education.
  9. To develop strategy and drive continuous improvement in all aspects including induction communications, including information, advice and guidance relevant to doctoral students both pre and post arrival.
  1. The effective integration of doctoral students with internal and external research communities supervisory practice support services for doctoral students
  2. Institutional facilities for doctoral study and definition of minimum levels of local facilities
  1. To establish appropriate performance indicators in respect of, and commission and consider periodic reports on, doctoral recruitment and the quality of the University's doctoral study.
  2. To give strategic consideration to proposed new doctoral degrees and new doctoral collaborations for submission to the Academic Programs.
  3. To review the effect of decisions made by the Learning, Teaching and Quality, Boards of Studies and Faculty Studies, and to keep these bodies informed.